10 Images That Explain Why Our Customers Are The Best (+ August Contest Winner Announced)

Since we founded Buyback Boss, we’ve strived to be a company that always puts the customers first. We do everything in our power to improve customers’ experiences, ensure the highest payouts, and treat everyone the way we would like to be treated. Simply put, we are incredibly grateful to our customers and we cannot thank you enough for choosing to work with us.

Awhile back, when we were redesigning our boxes, we wanted to do something unique and different. We realized that the Buyback Boss process generally ends when we send the payouts. Once payments were sent, we had no idea how the customers decided to indulge in their newfound wealth. So, we set out to change that!

We started asking customers how they were spending their payouts. The best response each month would receive a $250 Amazon Gift Card on top of the payout. We had high expectations and they were exceeded! The responses were inspiring, eye-opening, and even humorous. Needless to say, choosing one winner was no easy task, but after hours of contemplation, we bring you our August winner as well as some great runner-ups!

Kate from Centennial, CO (WINNER)

Kate’s response came with a great drawing which would explain why she plans on buying art supplies to paint the mountains. We’re hoping she plans to paint pictures of mountains instead of painting the mountains, but we’re sure the results will be great either way!

Haylie from Athol, MA

Haylie shared an inspirational story with us. Haylie was raised by a single mother who went above and beyond to make sure the needs of her children were met. Haylie plans to put her payout into a savings account so she can become more independent and show her mom how inspiring she has been!

Sean from Kensington, MD

Sean plans to take his kids on another long train trip. Hopefully, his kids play nice with the senior citizens this time!

Micaela from Stone Mountain, GA

Micaela provided one of the most creative responses we’ve seen (as well as the only response we received in the form of poetic rap).

Instead of spending my payout, I’m just gonna save it and make a layup.
My life is full of worries that make me stay up, but I’m still blessed that I wake up.
I still wish that I can brush my life with make-up.
My childhood is full of 24/7 basketball and rap
Reading this, you probably think I don’t take naps.
Every time I walk I make sure I don’t look back.
Cause I don’t want them to take the clothes off my back.
You asking me “how” when you should be asking me why I wrote this rap to be exact.
You just read the autobiography of Micaela W which states true facts.

Jonathan from Chicago, IL

Jonathan plans to use his payout to start his own Internet business for you. We’re happy to be able to help with the process – Don’t forget the little guys when you make it big!

Jessica from Athens, GA

Jessica’s response is yet another inspiring story we received. After receiving a kidney transplant, Jessica has spent most of her savings on medications. She plans to selflessly use her payout to help buy Christmas gifts for her 3 kids.

Gary from San Ramon, CA

Gary is a teacher from California with high ambitions! In another act of selflessness, Gary plans to use his payout to provide webcams for the school’s computer lab so students can create video presentations. We look forward to seeing what the students come up with!

Cecele from Santa Clarita, CA

Cecele plans to buy books for her grandchildren. Anyone have any recommendations?

Brandon from Boonsboro, MD

Branded provided us with one of our more humorous responses. He plans on using his payout to buy 100 ducks to put in his professor’s car. We’re not sure where you would even buy 100 ducks, nor do we condone suck an elaborate prank, but we definitely got a chuckle out of this one.

Anecia from Suwanee, GA

Speaking of humor, Anecia started us off with a quick joke:

What do you call a college student who opens his wallet and expects to see money?An optimist.

Anecia plans to use the payout to buy some food other than ramen. We know the struggle! May we recommend Chipotle?

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