Apple Watch is Stuck on the Logo – Here’s the Fix

Apple Watches have found a niche in the wearable electronics market, and sales have been increasing steadily since the device was first introduced a couple of years ago. With an Apple Watch, you get the company’s well-known product dependability as well as a long list of useful features. If your watch malfunctions, though, it can be frustrating. For instance, maybe your Apple Watch is stuck on the logo, and you can’t seem to make it do anything. If that’s the problem you’re facing, check out this article for some possible solutions.

Apple Watch Stuck on Logo

Possible Reasons Your Apple Watch is Stuck on the Logo

Before we get into some fixes, let’s run down some reasons that you might be having this problem. The issue could be one of hardware or software.

It might be that you need to do an iOS update because your watch has picked up some bugs. It’s also possible that you just did an update of the software, and for some reason, the new update itself caused this problem.

On the hardware end of things, maybe dust or dirt has gotten into the device, causing the circuitry to malfunction. The watch’s screen might be broken, in which case the internal components might need to be replaced. It also could be that water damage has occurred. The Apple Watch is resistant to moisture, but that’s not the same as it being completely waterproof.

Try a Forced Restart of Your Apple Watch

A forced restart is a good thing to do if you feel like a software issue is to blame for the frozen screen. You can do a forced restart much the same as you would with an iPhone or another Apple device.

To do so, press and Side button at the same time as the Digital Crown. The Digital Crown on the Apple Watch serves much the same purpose as the Home button on older versions of the iPhone. Hold the two together for about 10 seconds. Then release them and wait while the watch boots up again. If that didn’t do the trick, read on.

Forced Restart of Apple Watch Stuck on Logo

Screen Curtain or Voice Over Can Cause the Issue

Let’s say that you restart the Apple Watch. It seems to be working. Then, your screen goes dark once more, and you hear a description of what is on the screen. It could be that you have accidentally entered Screen Curtain accessibility mode.

To exit this mode and hopefully get rid of the logo, open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone. Hit General, then Accessibility. Go to Voice Over, and switch off both Voice Over and Screen Curtain. See if that takes care of the frozen logo on the watch face.

Adjust Settings for Apple Watch Stuck on Logo

Update iOS if Your Apple Watch is Stuck on the Logo

Upgrading to the latest iOS operating system might get rid of the logo and get the Apple Watch working again. You should first be sure that your iPhone is paired with the watch. Then, go to My Watch on your phone, followed by General. Click where it says Software Update. It will probably ask for your Apple or iPhone passcodes, so have both of those handy. The download will take place, and the new iOS will hopefully solve the problem.

iOS Update for Apple Watch Stuck on Logo

Erase All Content and Settings

It’s not ideal, but if nothing has worked yet, you may need to erase all the content and settings from the watch to get it running like it’s supposed to. To do so, open the Settings app. Tap General, and then Reset. Hit Erase All Content and Settings. If you see a prompt to enter your passcode, do that. Then, confirm the operation by hitting Erase All.

What if the Apple Watch is Stuck on the Logo Because of Hardware?

If you’ve tried the various fixes that we’ve suggested and nothing has worked, then it is likely that the issue is due to hardware problems. Try scrutinizing the watch to see if there’s anything unusual about it. If the screen is cracked and the Apple logo is stuck there, it’s obvious what the problem is. If nothing seems to be visually wrong, think about whether you dropped the watch at some point or handled it roughly. Just because you don’t see anything, that doesn’t mean that there’s no internal damage.

The same goes for moisture damage. Think about whether you were wearing the watch when you went swimming or got caught in a heavy downpour. If you did, then more than likely, you’re looking at water damage.

If something along those lines is what you’re facing, or if dust, dirt, or particulate matter got inside the watch, then there’s little that you can do to fix it yourself. The watch is going to have to be opened up to get a professional cleaning. It is also possible that some internal components are going to have to be replaced.

Take Your Apple Watch to a Genius Bar at an Apple Store

The best thing that you can do is to take your Apple Watch to an Apple Store with a Genius Bar so the employees can look it over. It will not do you a lot of good to contact Customer Support via the Apple website because someone is going to need to examine your device in-person.

Genius Bar for Apple Watch Stuck on Logo

If your watch is still under factory warranty, or if you got the extended warranty that’s available for all Apple products, then you shouldn’t have to pay for the damage out of pocket unless you did something that Apple deems to be negligent. If you no longer have a warranty on the device, then you’ll need to pay for the fix yourself. Hopefully, it will not turn out to be anything too expensive. If it is, then you’ll need to think about whether it is more cost-effective to replace the watch entirely rather than get the repairs done. There are also third-party stores that might advertise that they can fix Apple Watches for cheaper than a Genius Bar. It’s probably best to avoid those. The employees likely haven’t received any specialized training in fixing Apple products, and they might not have the correct parts that the watch needs. If you get second-rate replacement parts, then the chances of the watch breaking down again are high.

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