How to Clean an iPhone Charging Port

If you have an iPhone, then you should know that taking good care of it is one of the things that you can do to ensure that it lasts for as long as possible. Apple estimates that you should get at least two years of use out of one of its devices, but the reality is that you can get many more years than that out of an iPhone. You should keep it in a case, not handle it roughly, and try not to let anything happen to the external components, like the charging port. It’s that part of the phone that we’re going to take a few moments to talk about, specifically how you should go about cleaning it.

Clean iPhone Charging Port

Where is the Charging Port on an iPhone?

The charging port of your iPhone is located in the same place, regardless of which generation of the device you have. It is the rectangular hole on the bottom of the phone in the device’s center. When you buy an iPhone new from the factory, it should come with a USB cord and charger. You plug the charger into one end of the USB cord, and the other end into the charging port. You then connect the charger to power, and the phone powers up.

iPhone USB Cord in Charging Port

If you bought your iPhone used, then it might not have come with a USB cord. You can buy a replacement online or in stores. It’s best to get one that was made by Apple. If you get a knock-off version, sometimes it might not work with an Apple device as well as it should.

USB Cord for an iPhone Charging Port

How Can You Best Take Care of Your iPhone Charging Port?

You might be able to get away with owning your iPhone for years without ever having to clean out the charging port. It is all about how you take care of the phone and what you allow to happen to it.

You should always try to keep the phone from getting wet, and that certainly includes the charging port. Apple describes the device as being water-resistant, but that’s not the same thing as it being waterproof. Don’t ever have it in your pocket when you go swimming, and try to protect the phone if you go out while it’s raining heavily.

How to Clean a Wet iPhone Charging Port

You should also try not to spill anything on the charging port. If you keep the device in a purse, in your pocket, or you put it inside a piece of luggage while you are traveling, be sure that there is nothing near the iPhone that could get inside the charging port, like food, for instance. There are preferred ways of cleaning the charging port, but it’s best if your preventative measures ensure that you never have to do it.

What is the Preferred Method for Cleaning an iPhone Charging Port?

Let’s say that a situation has occurred where something has gotten in the charging port. Maybe it’s dust, debris, or some unidentified particulate matter. Maybe you spilled some soda on it, or food residue got inside. These occurrences could mean that the phone will not charge as it should when you plug it in. You now have little choice but to clean out the port.

There are a couple of different methods for doing so, but we’re going to start with the one that Apple recommends. First, you’ll need a strong flashlight. You’ll need some toothpicks, which will be your primary cleaning tool, and then it’s also useful to have some cotton. Cotton balls work, as you will be tearing off a small piece from one as part of this process.

Toothpicks for Cleaning an iPhone Charging Port

First, power off your iPhone. Then, place the toothpick on the cotton ball or cotton swab and twist it until a little bit comes off and coats the head of the toothpick. You don’t need very much cotton, just a little bit.

Hold your iPhone so that the back is facing up. Gently insert the cotton-coated toothpick inside the charging port, and start scraping out whatever accumulated debris that you can see. Hopefully, the buildup will begin to come loose if you are patient and persistent. You’re scraping the back wall of the port, but you may also have to scrape the sides, depending on where you see the gunk that you’re attempting to dislodge.

Keep going until you don’t see any more debris. Pick your phone up and give it a light shake so that any more dislodged debris falls out. You can also blow lightly into the port.

Might Compressed Air be a Way to Clean Your iPhone’s Charging Port?

There are also some DIY articles that you might find online that will talk about using a compressed air device to get the gunk out of your iPhone charging port. Some iPhone users have tried this and reported good results.

Compressed Air for Cleaning iPhone Charging Port

However, Apple does not recommend using compressed air. The reason is that whatever device you are using is probably going to shoot the compressed air into the charging port at a fairly high velocity. There are delicate internal components in that charging port, like the spring-loaded anchors. You don’t want to damage those.

If you decide to use the compressed air method, you do so at your own risk. If this action damages the charging port, and then you take the device to an Apple Store to get it fixed, then an admission that you used compressed air will more than likely void your warranty.

Some Other Words of Advice When Cleaning iPhone Charging Ports

There are a couple of other subjects we should briefly mention as it relates to this topic. The first is chemical solvents. There are different solvents that you can use around the house that will loosen up accumulate dirt and grime. You can buy them online or at a local Lowe’s or Home Depot.

You should never use something like that to try and clean an iPhone charging port, though. The chemical compounds can wreak havoc when you get them inside that port, and you will almost certainly cause some damage.

It’s probably best to use the toothpick and cotton swab method, and if you do so, it’s in your best interest to be gentle about it. Go about this piece of business like a watchmaker inserting a tiny component into a timepiece. Brute force is not the answer; you’re dealing with a delicate piece of machinery.

What if Some Element of Your iPhone’s Charging Port has been Damaged?

How about if you tried to clean out the charging port, and when you were finished, the iPhone refused to charge correctly? It might be that, despite your best efforts, you’ve damaged an internal component that’s necessary for the phone to charge.

If that happens, then your best option is going to be taking the phone to an Apple Store with a Genius Bar so they can look it over and determine what needs to be replaced. Any problems with hardware are not likely to be anything that you can fix. It is best to call first and set up an appointment with the Apple employees, so you don’t have to wait in line.

Hopefully, it won’t be a costly fix, and you’ll soon by enjoying full functionality from your iPhone again. 

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