Buyback Boss Blog

iPhone Tips, Apple News, and More!

Gazelle Trade-In Alternative

Gazelle Trade-In Alternative is easily one of the biggest and most well-known electronic trade-in companies. The company was launched in Boston, Massachusetts in 2006 and has since processed more than 2 million devices through its trade-in program. While Gazelle is best known for its...

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iPhone Charging Slowly? How To Speed Up Your Charging

iPhone Charging Slowly? How To Speed Up Your Charging

In most cases, your iPhone shouldn't take very long to charge, even if the battery is significantly drained. Apple devices are designed to hold a charge for a long time, and the recharge stage shouldn't be too time-consuming. If your iPhone seems to be taking longer...

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iPhone Apps Keep Crashing – How To Fix This Device Issue

iPhone Apps Keep Crashing – How To Fix This Device Issue

Everyone has their favorite iPhone apps. Some of yours might be for practical purposes, while others may be for entertainment. If your apps keep crashing, though, then you'll need to figure out a solution so that you can get the best use from your phone again. Let's...

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iPad Trade-In – Where to Go, and How to Get the Most Value

iPad Trade-In – Where to Go, and How to Get the Most Value

If you have owned an iPad for a while, then a time might come when you’re ready to do an iPad trade-in. You might want to get cash for it, or perhaps you’d like to get a newer version of the device or one that has cellular connectivity as well as Wi-Fi. Whatever the...

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iPhone Overheating? Here’s What You Need To Do

iPhone Overheating? Here’s What You Need To Do

Generally speaking, the iPhone is a piece of technology that holds up very well and is suitable for long-term use. Some individuals have iPhones that are several generations old, and they still find them to be perfectly suitable for their needs. However, even if new...

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Samsung Galaxy S10 Vs. S10 Plus – Which Phone Is Better?

Samsung Galaxy S10 Vs. S10 Plus – Which Phone Is Better?

Each year, Samsung unveils its latest flagship model from the S series. The Samsung Galaxy S10 was released in 2019 and largely been hailed as the greatest smartphone the company has ever produced. Samsung’s newest release comes in two flavors: the Samsung Galaxy S10...

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How To Scan On iPhone – A Complete Guide

How To Scan On iPhone – A Complete Guide

If you just got a new iPhone, or if you’ve had yours for a while, then you are likely already familiar with many of the more basic functions of which it and other Apple products are capable. Things like calling, texting, listening to music, and streaming movies are...

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Google Pixel 4 Vs. Samsung Galaxy S10

Google Pixel 4 Vs. Samsung Galaxy S10

For years, the two main competitors for the top of the line smartphones were Samsung and Apple. In 2016, that all changed with the release of the first Google Pixel. Google has recently unveiled the Pixel 4. It’s a remarkable device packed with tons of innovative new...

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iPhone Randomly Restarts – Here’s How to Fix It

iPhone Randomly Restarts – Here’s How to Fix It

iPhones are usually dependable and long-lasting. If you take good care of yours, it ought to work for you for several years, at least. Like any electronic device, though, your iPhone can malfunction. For instance, maybe you’ve noticed that your iPhone keeps restarting...

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How Much Does It Cost to Upgrade Your Phone?

How Much Does It Cost to Upgrade Your Phone?

Cell phones are built quite well these days. There is no reason not to expect your device to last you for several years, provided that you take good care of it. Part of what that entails is updating the software on it regularly. Other aspects of cell phone maintenance...

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Buy A Used iPhone – Everything You Need to Know

Buy A Used iPhone – Everything You Need to Know

The buying of a used iPhone is something that more and more people are doing or at least considering. The reason is that these devices generally hold up very well, especially if the previous owner took good care of the phone in question. At the same time, brand-new...

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iPhone Dead? Find Out Why And How To Fix It

iPhone Dead? Find Out Why And How To Fix It

Our iPhones are extensions of ourselves. So, there’s nothing worse than hitting the power button and getting nothing. iPhones are pretty sturdy and can last for five years or more if taken care of correctly.  But if one slips out of your hands or you spill a cup...

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Change Your Apple ID Email – A Step-By-Step-Guide

Change Your Apple ID Email – A Step-By-Step-Guide

How much do you know about your Apple ID? Your Apple ID is the identifying profile that you use when you log into your Apple devices, such as your iPhone, Apple Watch, or iPad. When you set up your Apple ID, you input quite a bit of information, such as your name,...

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