How to Get Your iPhone Replaced Under Warranty

Do you have an iPhone? If you do, then you’ve probably come to appreciate some of the many features that make it a top seller year after year in a highly competitive market. Sometimes situations arise, though, where the particular model that you have is not performing the way that it should. That can be frustrating for you, especially if the functionality being impaired is impacting your full enjoyment of the device. In that scenario, you might need to get it replaced according to the conditions of the warranty. Let’s talk about how you might go about doing that.

How to Get iPhone Replaced Under Warranty

Understanding Your iPhone Warranty

Understand How Your iPhone Warranty Works

Let’s say that you got your current iPhone when it was brand-new and that it was the latest generation when you did so. Apple comes out with a new iPhone approximately every two years, but for the time being, at least, your phone can be considered top-of-the-line. That new phone is going to come with a one-year warranty under normal circumstances. That’s typical for Apple products.

However, you can also purchase an extended warranty. For instance, you might pay for an additional year of coverage, or two more years. Every time you buy a new Apple product, the company will offer you that option. You are under no obligation to get that extended warranty, but it is certainly something that is worth considering.

You can also get an automatic extended warranty if you purchase an iPhone or another Apple product with some specific credit cards. For instance, the American Express Platinum Rewards card will automatically double your warranty on many major purchases. This feature is one of the reasons why you have to pay a yearly fee if you want one of those cards. Some people feel that the perks that come with it offset the annual cost.

Amex Platinum Doubles Many Warranties

In any event, that warranty covers things like manufacturing defects for your Apple device. It should also cover hardware malfunctions that cause the phone to not perform in a satisfactory manner. It is nice to know that the warranty is there. You can use the phone, tablet, etc. with more confidence for the time that it is covered.

Difference between iPhone’s Warranty and Insurance

Understand, though, that the phone’s warranty is not the same as if you had purchased insurance for it. Insurance is something separate that costs an additional fee. You can buy it through a cellular service provider or a third-party retailer, and that will cover things like your phone being dropped in a puddle, falling out a window, getting lost or stolen, etc.

Insurance is what you want for misadventure, while the warranty is there for things like manufacturing flaws. It’s vital that you understand that distinction if something happens to your phone, and you’re trying to determine whether you can file a claim with Apple. You are under no obligation to purchase insurance for the phone, just as you are not required to get the extended warranty. Whether you wish to pay for those things is entirely up to you.

Times When You Can Get Your iPhone Replaced Under the Warranty

Let’s say that you just bought yourself that new iPhone, and immediately, you start having problems with it. Perhaps the apps you are trying to download from the App Store aren’t working as they should. You’ve been attempting some troubleshooting methods based on tips from internet message boards, and they’ve been less than helpful. It’s bound to be irritating for you since presumably you just paid quite a bit for your new device.

It is precisely in this kind of scenario that you should be able to get your phone fixed or replaced under the Apple warranty. The problem that is occurring sounds like a manufacturing defect, and it is taking place due to no fault of your own. You can now contact Apple and let them know what’s happening.

Getting in Touch with Apple at a Brick-and-Mortar Location

An Apple Store

Generally speaking, there are two ways that you can reach out to Apple and get a replacement iPhone. The first way is to take your defective device and head to your nearest Apple Store. If you live in a major city, or close to one, then you should have no trouble locating one of the thousands of Apple Stores that currently exist. Some of them are stand-alone locations, but many are in malls or other shopping complexes.   

When you go to the Apple Store, it will be helpful if you bring along the receipt for the iPhone and any other documentation that goes along with it. It’s always beneficial to save things like the receipt and any packaging that comes with your iPhone, just in case something like this comes up.

If you don’t have the receipt or any of the packaging, then the store employees may still be able to help you. Each iPhone has distinguishing marks on it that the store employees can look for on their computers, thereby confirming who the device belongs to and that it is, in fact, still under warranty. 

Apple Employees Will Examine Your iPhone

Once they do so, they’ll take a look at the device. They might be able to do that while you wait there in the store, or they might contact you within a day or so to let you know their findings. It’s helpful if you call the store first to make an appointment.

The Employees Will Come to a Decision

What they’ll be trying to determine is if what has happened to the phone is something for which you are responsible, or whether Apple should be held liable. Let’s say that Apple is responsible for what’s going on with your device, and the defect is covered under your existing warranty. The employees will then either repair the iPhone free of charge or else they can give you a replacement in the event that it cannot be fixed.

It will probably take them no more than a day or two to make the determination of what they are going to do. Ideally, their judgment will be in your favor, and you can get the phone fixed or get a new one. Apple tends to be pretty fair about this kind of thing. If they feel that they are responsible for the device’s failure, then they should be able to rectify it with no problems.

Reaching Out to Apple Via Their Website

Getting Your Defective iPhone Replaced

The other way that you can get in touch with Apple is via their website. You can Live Chat with them about the problem, or else you can call them and speak to someone. In either of those scenarios, you’ll be describing the problem, and they’ll instruct you on what to do. If you live in a rural location where there does not happen to be an Apple Store nearby, then this might turn out to be your best option.

What is most likely is that the Apple support staff to whom you speak will have you send in the device so they can look it over. They will figure out whether the problem is one that can be covered by the warranty, and they’ll also determine whether your warranty is still valid or not. It is basically the same thing as if you brought the phone to an Apple Store. Within a few days, they will either say that they can’t help you, or they will fix the iPhone or replace it.

In most cases, those who contact Apple with a manufacturing problem while the device is still under warranty can get the matter resolved swiftly and with a minimum of fuss. The company has become one of the best in the world, in part, because of their superb customer service. It’s also a relative rarity that you’ll have a manufacturing problem that will result in your iPhone being ineffective. Every device is tested extensively before it makes it to market. That’s part of why they’re so expensive.

If you have a problem with your iPhone, then follow the steps we mentioned and get in touch with Apple. Hopefully, they’ll determine that your claim is valid, and the warranty will perform exactly as it was meant to do.   

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