iPad Trade-In – Where to Go, and How to Get the Most Value

If you have owned an iPad for a while, then a time might come when you’re ready to do an iPad trade-in. You might want to get cash for it, or perhaps you’d like to get a newer version of the device or one that has cellular connectivity as well as Wi-Fi. Whatever the case might be, we’re going to take some time in this article to discuss the most viable options for you so that you can walk away from the transaction happy and satisfied.

There Are Different Options for an iPad Trade-In

Trade-in Your iPad Through an Online Site

There are several different websites through which you can trade-in your iPad. The process through which you do it is more or less the same for all of them. You’re required to furnish the site with information, such as which generation of iPad you have and its condition. Then, you’ll get a quote for the device, and you can send it to the company in question through the mail. They will then evaluate your iPad.

Once they have determined that it is in the condition you specified, then they’ll pay you. Most of them will either send you a check or else you can use a service like PayPal.

If you opt for this route, though, then the best program to use is BuyBack Boss. That is because BuyBack Boss is the only through-the-mail buyback program for Apple products like the iPad that will match any competitor offer. Their valuation process is also the easiest and most comprehensive as compared to the other options that exist. 

Apple Has an iPad Trade-in Program as Well

You can also go straight to the source, which would be Apple. For an Apple iPad trade-in their buyback program is called Trade-In/Giveback. You can get an Apple Store gift card in exchange for your used tablet. You can then use that gift card to either get a new iPad or else you can put the credit toward other Apple products if that is more to your liking. You can’t get cash for your iPad, though, which is one limitation with this choice.

You can look into this further by going to Apple’s website. There, you will be asked to put in your iPad’s serial number, which can be found on the back of the device. You might not get cash from Apple if you go this route, but because you’re dealing with a well-regarded entity, you can be sure that there will be no hassles during the buyback process.

If Apple finds that your old iPad is not in good enough condition for them to buy it, then they can also take it off your hands and recycle it. They’ll also buy back iPhones, Apple Watches, and other products for which you no longer have any use.

You Can Head Over to an Apple Store For An iPad Trade-In

You Can do an iPad Trade-In with an Apple Store

If you would prefer not to send in your old iPad through the mail, then you can also take it to an Apple Store if there happens to be one near to you. Not all of the brick-and-mortar locations run buyback programs, but most of them do. It’s helpful if you call beforehand to make sure that they’re willing to look over your iPad before you go there.

The one thing to keep in mind if you go this route is that, just as with the online buyback program, Apple Store locations will not give you cash for your used tablet. You’ll have to settle for store credit, just as you would if you mailed it to them. If that is acceptable for you, then you can proceed.

Of course, even if all you can get is a gift card for the Apple Store, that doesn’t mean that you can’t sell that gift card for cash. Say that you got a gift card for your old iPad for $200 in-store credit. You could then sell it on eBay for $180 or however much you can get for it. This method is a bit convoluted, but that way, you can get cash if store credit doesn’t appeal to you.

You Can Trade in Your iPad at Best Buy

Best Buy Will Be Happy to Take Your iPad

There aren’t as many brick-and-mortar electronics stores as there used to be, as online sales are on the rise. However, for an iPad trade-in you could take your iPad to Best Buy if there’s one close to you. As with the Apple Store, you would want to call beforehand to see if there is a buyback program at that location.

Best Buy will usually take a gently-used iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, etc. However, once again, you’re going to be getting store credit through them rather than cash.

Go Through a Cellular Carrier For An iPad Trade-In

iPad Trade In Cellular Store

Cellular service providers like AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile will also usually have buyback programs for iPads and similar devices. Often, you can get cash from them, or you can use the value from your iPad to put toward a newer tablet or smartphone.

If you decide to go through a cellular provider, then it’s a smart idea to call several of them that are near to you and describe the condition and model of the iPad that you have. One of them might give you a better quote than the others, and you want to try and get as much money or value as possible out of your device.

iPad Trade-In: Eco-ATM

The Eco-ATM has come on the scene in recent years. They are more prevalent in some parts of the country than in others, but if you live in or around a larger city, you should be able to locate one. With the Eco-ATM, you find a store that has one and goes use it during regular business hours. You input some information about your tablet into the machine, and then it will give you an offer. If that offer is acceptable to you, then you can turn over your iPad to the machine, and it will provide you with cash on the spot.

In a sense, this seems like a great option, because you get cash, your tablet is gone, and you don’t have to deal with anyone face-to-face. However, of the various options on this list, the Eco-ATM is probably not going to give you the most money. These devices seem ready to offer you the least possible amount of cash that you might be willing to take, so we’d be hard-pressed to strongly recommend this choice.

eBay is Another Possibility for iPad Trade-In

You Can Sell Your iPad on eBay

You can sell your iPad through eBay in a couple of different ways. You can either sell it at a fixed price, or you can put it up for auction. If you’ve sold things through eBay before, then this method should be familiar to you. Once you’ve agreed upon a price with the buyer, you print out a shipping label with their address on it, box up the iPad, and mail it to them.

You get cash for this option, although eBay will take their cut as well. Still, for those who don’t ever want to meet with a buyer face-to-face, it’s worth considering. 

There are some potential problems that you can run into with eBay, though. The most notable is that buyers can sometimes engage in behaviors that are objectionable. For example, if a buyer receives your used iPad through the mail, and they feel that your description did not do it justice, then they can contest the sale and demand their money back. As the seller, you’re then reliant upon eBay to mediate. The process can take up your time and be a real headache.

The other factor with eBay is that if you don’t have a lot of experience listing and shipping, some of the processes can be a bit confusing. You can lose out on some of the selling prices if you don’t choose the right shipping option. Meticulously listing all of the details regarding your particular iPad so that you don’t get accused by a potential buyer of misrepresenting its condition is also a hassle.    

You Can Sell the iPad Through Craigslist

There’s also Craigslist, the online marketplace. You can take a couple of pictures of your iPad and put it up for sale there to see if you get any interest. If the iPad is competitively priced, then you may be able to find someone who’s willing to meet you to make an exchange.

If you do this, then make sure and follow best practices. Meet in a public place rather than at your home or theirs. It’s best to meet in the daylight as well. Either go with a friend or family member or make sure that someone knows where you are.

All of these precautions are probably unnecessary, but it’s certainly better to be safe than sorry. The one good thing about Craigslist is that you get to keep all the money from the exchange, and no one takes a cut of it. Just be sure to accept only cash for the iPad. A cashier’s check for the agreed-upon amount would also be acceptable.

iPad Trade-In: Pawn Shop

A Pawn Shop is a Viable Option for an iPad trade in

A pawn shop is always an option for you. They have them in every decent-sized city in the nation, and you can get cash on the spot for your iPad. However, much like the Eco-ATM, they’re not likely to give you a great deal. They make their money by buying goods cheaply and selling them at a mark-up. You might also have to go to a not-so-great part of town to find a pawnshop, too. They’re seldom located in upscale neighborhoods.  

The good news is that you can haggle with the employees. They might be willing to give you more than their original offer if you don’t mind a little spirited back-and-forth.

Whichever one of these you end up choosing, make sure that you have backed up your iPad with iCloud or iTunes and wiped it clean before you sell it or trade it in. You don’t want the next owner to get access to things like your bank account passwords, private photos, or message threads.

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