Is Your iPhone Battery showing as Yellow? Here’s The Solution

If you own an iPhone, then you should always be aware of anything about it that appears out of the ordinary. There are some aspects of an iPhone that, when you see them, it’s an indication that the device is about to start malfunctioning. That is not the case, though, when your phone’s battery is showing as yellow instead of its usual green. Let’s talk about what it means, and how you can get it back to the standard color again.

Why Does Your iPhone Battery Turn Yellow?

The reason that your phone’s battery turns yellow is if the phone has been put in Low Power Mode. The way that you do this is by going to Settings, then Battery, and choosing the Low Power Mode option.

The reason Low Power Mode exists is that it’s a way of temporarily reducing the power consumption of your iPhone when the battery is depleted. Once you can fully charge your phone, there is no more need for it. When Low Power Mode is on, many of the phone’s functions, including automatic downloads, some visual effects, Hey Siri, and background app refresh are disabled.

When the battery of your iPhone gets down to 20%, a window will appear on the screen warning you about it, and it will ask you if you want to put the device in Low Power Mode. If you say yes, then the battery icon will turn yellow accordingly. Once you have a chance to charge the phone again fully, the battery will show as green once more.

iPhone Battery is showing as Yellow

You Have the Option of Adding Low Power Mode to the Control Center

Now that you’re aware of the existence of Low Power Mode, you might want to have ready access to it if you regularly run your phone’s battery level down. If you have installed iOS 11 or later on your phone, then you have the option of adding a Low Power Mode button to the Control Center that you can readily toggle on and off.

  1. First, open the Settings app.
  2. Tap the Control Center, then Customize Controls. This will take you to an extensive customization menu.
  3. Scroll down to where you see Low Power Mode and hit the green plus symbol that is next to it. Now you will have access to Low Power Mode through the Control Center. It’s a useful shortcut if you feel that you’re going to be using this feature often.

Low Power Mode to the Control Center

How Can You Turn on Low Power Mode through the Control Center?

Once you have added Low Power Mode to the Control Center, you can access it by using your finger and swiping up from the bottom of the screen. Where you can see the battery icon, tap it so that it turns white. Now, when you look at the phone’s battery icon at the top right-hand side of the screen, you’ll see that it’s yellow and that you’ve turned Low Power Mode on successfully.

Is Low Power Mode Bad for Your iPhone?

There are some iPhone owners who seem to be paranoid about using Low Power Mode. They appear to be operating under the impression that using it too often will damage the device in some way.

That’s not accurate, though. Activating the phone makes it use less power, and some of the features are disabled, but you’re not permanently damaging the device. You can use the mode as often as you like if you feel that it’s in your best interest for any reason.

Prevent Your Battery from Draining Too Fast

It might be a relief to you to know why your battery is turning yellow, but that doesn’t necessarily solve the problem of why your battery is draining so fast. After all, if your battery life is able to be maintained for long periods, then you’ll hardly ever have to deal with Low Power Mode.

If your battery seems to be getting drained very quickly, then the most likely culprit is often going to be the apps that you are running. Sometimes there is one particular app that needs to be updated, and until that happens, it is going to be a real drain on your phone’s battery when you use it.

You can combat this by making sure that your apps are all up to date. Whenever a new version comes out, don’t delay in installing it. You might also try to eliminate any apps that you consider to be nonessential. The more apps you have on your device, the more likely that one of them is going to be a battery killer. You will likely have to do some trial and error to figure out if there is a particular one that’s causing all the trouble.

Extend Your iPhone Battery Life

Aside from the apps, if your iPhone’s battery does not seem to hold up very well, then the Push Mail feature could be what’s doing it. Push Mail means that your iPhone is maintaining a constant connection to your email server. Every time some mail comes through for you, it is pushed to notify you regardless of where you are or what you’re doing.

It sounds quite convenient. The only problem is that when your iPhone is in push mode, it is as though it is constantly asking the server whether any mail has arrived. This data flow sucks the life right out of your battery.

There are some people who like to have this feature on, particularly if you’re always getting critical emails having to do with your job. If that isn’t the case, though, then it’s best to turn this feature off so that you don’t get a depleted battery in a short amount of time.

The way you fix this issue is to put your phone on Fetch rather than Push when it relates to email. This is a way of checking for new mail every 15 minutes rather than all the time. It does make sense to use this setting if the emails that you are getting are not terribly urgent.

  1. Head to Settings, Accounts and Passwords, then Fetch New Data.
  2. At the top it says Push. Hit this to turn it off.
  3. Scroll to the bottom. Where it says Fetch, choose the Every 15 Minutes option. If you have multiple active email accounts, select this setting for each of them for best results.

That should fix the battery life issue, and then you should seldom or never have to use Low Power Mode and see that yellow battery icon. 

Fetch New Data Push Option