What Is Airplane Mode?

Airplane Mode is a setting for smartphones and other devices that disables Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, telephone, and other radio-frequency signals. Depending on your device, GPS may or may not be disabled during Airplane Mode as it is not a radio signal. 

The name derives from the prohibition of devices that transmit radio waves while in flight since airplane modes block this feature. Learn more about Airplane Mode and how to use it in this guide. 

Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode: Not For Airplanes Only

Airplane Mode Side Mirror

There’s a widespread misconception that if you fail to turn on airplane mode, your device may interrupt vital signals from the airplane. This had been debunked particularly for larger aircraft. The small-signal your phone sends out does little to interfere with the massive equipment found on an airplane.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t turn your phone on Airplane Mode while traveling. The biggest issue is battery life. Airplanes travel very fast and at very high altitudes. Between, the speed and altitude, it is nearly impossible to receive any cell signal for towers below. So your devices will constantly be searching for signals which rapidly deplete the battery. 

So you’re better off to save your battery life and turn on airplane mode. You can always catch up on your messages and social media once you hit the ground again. 

What Features You Can Use in Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode by Using smartphone in cafe

On most devices, when you enable Airplane Mode, it turns off WiFi and Bluetooth automatically. However, you can still use these functions when airplane mode. After you turn on Airplane Mode, simply turn these functions back on. This will block your cellular connection while allowing you to use WiFI and Bluetooth. 

If your flight offers in-flight Wi-Fi, you should be able to connect to it under your available network settings. You can also pair your Bluetooth headphones and other devices. 

What’s the Biggest Advantage of Airplane Mode 

Airplane Mode isn’t just for Airplanes. You can use it all the time. The best advantage of it is that it saves battery life. If your device has battery issues, you should use it anytime you have a solid Wi-Fi connection available such as at home or work.

It’s also great if you don’t want to receive telephone calls but still want to receive other notifications. Finally, it’s a great way to do a light phone reset. If you’re having issues connecting to your cellular networking, toggling Airplane Mode on/off is a quick and easy reset. 

How to Enable Airplane Mode on iPhone

iPhone Airplane mode

Apple makes it easy to enable Airplane mode for iPhone. On any iOS device, you can find the setting in the control center. 

  1. For iPhone 8 and earlier devices, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal Control Center. For iPhone X and newer, swipe down from the top right. 
  2. Tap the airplane icon in the control center. The icon will become illuminated and the mode will be enabled. 
  3. Tap the icon once again to disable Airplane Mode. 

You can also enable Airplane Mode in the settings. It’s the first option in settings. Tap it once to enable. 

How to Enable Airplane Mode on Android 

It’s also easy to enable Airplane mode on Android. Swipe down from the top of the screen on your Android device. This opens the Quick Settings panel. Look for Airplane Mode. Toggle it once to enable. 

If you can’t find it, search through the panels. You may also have to add it to your quick settings if it’s been deleted for some reason. Do this by going to Settings > Network & Internet > Airplane mode.

How to Enable Airplane Mode on Windows

Windows makes it very easy to enable Airplane Mode. Look at your Taskbar. Scroll over to the Wi-Fi icon/network connections. Double click the icon. Then tap the Airplane Mode icon on the bottom of the screen. 

How to Enable Airplane Mode on Mac 

There are no Macs with cellular connectivity. If desired, you can turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth manually to save battery life. But you don’t have to do this when you get on an airplane. 

Bottom Line: Airplane Mode

Taking pictures on an airplane mode
Technology Phone Plane Airplane Flying

Airplane Mode is a very useful way to use your device. It’s a great way to save battery life and use your device whether you’re flying high in the skies or at home in bed. When connected to Wi-Fi all of your features aside from telephone calls will function as normal.

This means you can still use alarms, downloaded content like movies, music, and games, and other features. It’s also an easy way to do a quick reset of your cellular and network connections, particularly when inserting a new SIM card. Take advantage of this feature and start using it on your device now. 

Ready to upgrade to a new digital device? See how much you can get for your old computer, phone, or tablet from Buyback Boss. Click here to get an instant quote or contact us for more info. 

Visit the Buyback Boss Blog to learn more technology tips and tricks. Learn how to recycle old devices in this guide. Or how to sell your phone for parts here. Discover all things smartphone, computers, and tech when you check out our blog! 

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